We are pleased to announce that a selection of papers accepted after a double blinded peer-review will be invited by the Scientific Committee also to submit to a special issue of the prestigious journal “Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments”.
This publication is in addition to the prestigious book series “Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering” published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG, and indexed in leading databases such as Scopus, Ei Compendex, and SCImago, among others.
This represents a unique opportunity for authors to have their work disseminated internationally and recognized within high-level scientific communities.
Important note: Authors must sign a License to Publish agreement to enable the publication of their accepted papers.
Furthermore, the best papers—selected based on reviewers’ scores—will be invited to submit an extended version for publication in special issues of leading international journals, including:
Energy and Buildings
Journal of Energy Storage
Science and Technology for the Built Environment
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments
For more details, please visit the dedicated section on our website.