Vision / Objectives of the Congress
The REHVA HVAC World Congress CLIMA is the leading international scientific congress in the field of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). After the great success of the 2022 edition, organized by the Dutch association TVVL, the baton now passes to AiCARR for the organization of CLIMA 2025: the theme of this Italian edition is “Decarbonized, healthy, and energy-conscious buildings in future climates”, CLIMA 2025 will offer professionals, academics, and companies in the HVAC sector a unique opportunity for international discussion about these “hot” topics.
“Decarbonized, healthy and energy conscious buildings in future climates”
Decarbonization: achieving the decarbonization of the European building stock by 2050 requires deep energy renovation of buildings and neighbourhoods without compromising indoor health.
Health: As we spend more time indoors, we expose ourselves to multiple pollutant sources and microbes. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed our lack of knowledge about the transmission of respiratory diseases in buildings. Conscious buildings: Increasing digitization opens new opportunities to optimize the design, operation, and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) of new or refurbished nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEBs). However, technically advanced sensor-based measurement and control pose numerous challenges. Future climate data: The climate is changing, and we need to consider its impact on building design and operation. For instance, will more cooling or heating capacity be needed? What energy conservation technologies will be most effective in the future? At present, there are no standardized methods for estimating future climate impacts on building systems.
Congress Topics
New HVAC components and systems
- New heat pumps and air conditioning systems; New low GWP refrigerants; Solar systems; Renewables in HVAC; Energy recovery systems; Enhanced surfaces.
- Digital Twins; Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Evaluation, New monitoring and control systems: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning.
HVAC impact on comfort and health of occupants and operators
- IEQ; IAQ; Ventilation; Healthcare Environments; Thermal comfort; Air filtration; Contaminants control.
Environmental impact of the new technologies, economic and social consequences
Urban Heat Islands; Energy poverty; Energy audits; Energy certification; Carbon footprint; Climate change mitigation; LCA.
Breakthrough design approaches for minimization of HVAC carbon footprint
Multisource heat pumps; LCC; Commissioning; BIM; Thermal energy storage.
Renewable energy communities plus energy districts
Short and long-term energy storages for the decarbonization of heating and cooling in buildings and districts
Zero Emission Buildings
Adaptive and integrated technologies for the building envelope
Options for mitigating the impact of building energy consumption on future climate changes
Energy demand management; Energy Modeling to Design Energy-Efficient Strategies.
Smart Buildings
Smart Readiness Indicators; Cognitive buildings; Internet of Things; BIM; Digital Twins; BMS; Interoperability; Security.
New monitoring and control systems; BACS; Remote Metering; Data Analytics; Cloud Computing; Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning.
Paper submissions
Please note that no changes in the corresponding author are allowed at this stage
All the submitted manuscripts will undergo blinded peer review. All the papers accepted for CLIMA 2025 will have to be upload in the format of the TEMPLATE you can download in through our portal for paper submission.
The papers will be published in the pre-proceedings of the Conference that will be available to all registered partecipants from the first day of the Congress.
After the Congress, Authors of the presented papers that will be considered suitable for presentation will be asked to send their paper to be published for free in the book series “Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering” published by Springer Nature Switzerland AG and indexed in Scopus, Ei Compendex, SCImago, among others.
In case the Authors would like to publish free of charge their accepted manuscripts, they will be requested to send the paper in the Springer format (a template will be made available) and to sign a Licence to Publish prior to publication
Important dates
Submission Guidelines:
All submissions must be made through our portal. Abstracts sent via email, fax, or any other means will not be accepted. Late submissions will not be considered. Ensure your submission is original, unpublished, and not under review elsewhere.
Registration and
Presentation Requirements
One registered author as "Student" cannot support more than one paper for presentation.
Congress "Virtual Bag"
Presentation Modes
The designated types of presentation during CLIMA 2025 of the accepted contribution are ORAL or POSTER.
You can submit your work to a specific type or let the Scientific Committee decide which type is best applicable to your work.
If you attend the Congress online, you can only choose oral presentation.
If you encounter any technical issues, please refer to this user guide or contact us at