General Ticket Terms

In our terms and conditions, you can read the mutual rights for ticket purchase at CLIMA 2022.The Italian law applies at all times.

Article 1 Definitions

1.1 CLIMA 2025: is organised by legal entity AiCARR (Chamber of Commerce MI-2002655), with its registered office in MILAN, Via Melchiorre Gioia 168 – 20125 in Italy. AiCARR is from now on to be called CLIMA 2025.

1.2 Visitor: the natural person who has purchased and/or is in possession of an admission ticket for an event and/or activity organised by CLIMA 2025 and who has the right to access this part of the event and/or the ancillary activity;

1.3 Agreement: the agreement concluded between CLIMA 2025 and Visitor;

1.4 Event: a (multiple) day Congress in hybrid form for the public at location and/or online via livestream, organised by CLIMA 2025;

1.5 Admission ticket: a document and/or barcode provided by CLIMA 2025, which gives access to – and entitles to attend – the event in physical form or online – whether or not for all or one of the days (depending on the ticket type);

1.6 Location: the place where the Event is held, including all terrains, access roads, spaces, and fields around it;

1.7 Public: all online and physical spectators, audience, presenters, sponsors, exhibitors, and / or third parties present at the event.

Article 2 Applicability

2.1 These general terms and conditions apply to all offers and all Agreements, including all services, actions, deliveries and activities of CLIMA 2025 in connection with the Event.

2.2 These general terms and conditions also apply to the Agreement, if it is concluded by means of – and / or the Visitor buys an admission ticket via – the official (pre) sales organisation engaged by CLIMA 2025.

2.3 The applicability of the Visitor’s general terms and conditions is explicitly rejected, unless CLIMA 2025 has agreed to this in writing.

2.4 Deviations from these general terms and conditions are only binding if and insofar as CLIMA 2025 has explicitly agreed to this in writing. A deviation expressly accepted in writing by CLIMA 2025 only relates to the Agreement for which CLIMA 2025 has accepted the deviation.

2.5 Additional terms and conditions may apply to these general terms and conditions. These will, where appropriate, be communicated with the Congress or meeting information and/or on the registration form and/or on the website.

These conditions can be changed by CLIMA 2025. An announcement will be made by means of a notice on the CLIMA 2025 website. The relevant version number is stated at the bottom of the relevant conditions.

Article 3 Establishment of agreements

3.1 The Agreement is concluded the moment the Visitor buys and/or orders an Admission Ticket for the Event.

Admission to CLIMA 2025 or one of the related meetings takes place in the order of receipt of the ticket orders.

CLIMA 2025 is entitled to give certain groups or persons priority in the registration or admission and/or to organise parts of the congress and/or meetings that are not publicly accessible.

In case of registration or participant changes less than 1 week before CLIMA 2025 or a related meeting, CLIMA 2025 cannot guarantee that all facilities/services/wishes can be fulfilled.

Article 4 Admission ticket

An admission ticket will be provided once full payment has been made. Prices shown on the site are excluding 21% VAT, during payment the buyer must pay the VAT and service costs in addition to the fee.

4.1 The Admission Ticket is and remains the property of CLIMA 2025 at all times.

4.2 The Admission Ticket is issued once and gives access to the Event to one person for one day or all days of the Event (depending on the chosen ticket type). The Event will take place from 4th of June until the 6th of June 2025.

4.3 The Admission Ticket is strictly personal and only gives access to those who show the Admission Ticket for the first time at the start and/or entrance of the Event.

4.4 The Admission Ticket provides access to the Event to Visitors older than 18 (in words: eighteen) years old.

4.5 From the moment the Admission Ticket is issued to the Visitor, the risk of loss, theft, damage, and misuse rests with the Visitor.

4.6 CLIMA 2025 only guarantees the validity of an Admission Ticket if it has been purchased and/or ordered from the (advance) sales address officially recognised by CLIMA 2025. The burden of proof in this regard rests with the Visitor.

4.7 CLIMA 2025 reserves the right to set a maximum for the number of Tickets – whether or not – to be reserved per person.

4.8 A reservation cannot be cancelled after purchase, but the ticket is transferable to a colleague within the company.

4.9 Starting times, as stated on the Admission Ticket, are subject to change.

CLIMA 2025 can decide to grant others an (exclusive) discount or free access, without other participants being able to derive any rights from this. This will be communicated with the Congress information or meeting information and/or on the registration form, possibly with additional conditions.

If the participant receives free access to a Congress or meeting, CLIMA 2025 applies a “No Show” fee in case of cancellation within 2 weeks before the start of the Congress or related meeting or if the participant (or of a designated replacement) does not appear. These costs are stated in the Congress information or meeting information.

Article 5 Prohibition of/or resale

5.1 The Visitor is not permitted to use the Admission Ticket other than with the written permission from CLIMA 2025 to sell or resell to a third party and/or to offer Admission Tickets with a commercial purpose or to sell or resell to third parties.

5.2 If CLIMA 2025 has valid reasons to believe that the Visitor is not the original purchaser of the Admission Ticket and/or the Admission Ticket has been sold or resold and/or the Admission Ticket has been forged, CLIMA 2025 reserves the right to withdraw the relevant Visitor to deny access to the Event without being obliged to repay the entrance fee to the Visitor.

Article 6 Obligations Visitor

6.1 The Visitor is obliged to comply with all safety rules that apply at Location and furthermore to follow all instructions from the staff present, security, the fire brigade, the police, and other authorised persons.

6.2 The Visitor must be in possession of a valid and undamaged Admission Ticket, which Visitor must show at the entrance and/or during the Event upon first request of CLIMA 2025 and/or staff at Location.

6.3 At the entrance and/or during the Event, at the first request of CLIMA 2025 and/or staff at Location, the Visitor may be asked to show a valid proof of identity or student pass.

6.4 The Visitor is not permitted to bring professional recording equipment to the Event and/or to the Location. If the Visitor brings professional recording equipment to the Event and/or the Location, CLIMA 2025 has the right to confiscate this equipment for the duration of the Event and to delete recordings already made.

6.5 The Visitor is not permitted to register the Event in its entirety and/or work performed in its entirety in any way whatsoever. If the Visitor acts in contrary to this, CLIMA 2025 has the right to confiscate this registration and to destroy, use and/or exploit it at its own discretion. The registrations made by the Visitor of part of the Event and/or part of the works performed by means of non-professional recording equipment are strictly for personal use and may not be exploited by the Visitor in a commercial manner.

6.6 The Visitor is not allowed to bring pets or other animals, glassware, plastic, alcohol, drugs, weapons, or other dangerous objects and objects that may cause a nuisance to the Event and/or to take with you to the Location.

6.7 The Visitor is not permitted to harass and/or hinder other visitors and staff present during the Event.

Article 7 Rights CLIMA 2025

7.1 CLIMA 2025 reserves the right before and during the Event to deny the Visitor access to the Event and/or to remove the Visitor from the Event, if CLIMA 2025 deems this reasonably necessary to maintain the safety and health of other visitors and public order.

7.2 If the Visitor fails to fulfil any obligation under the Agreement, CLIMA 2025 has – without prejudice to the aforementioned remedies for CLIMA 2025 – the right to declare the Admission Ticket invalid and/or the Visitor access to deny the Event and/or to remove the Visitor from the Event without being obliged to refund the entrance fee to the Visitor.

7.3 If the Visitor appears in these recording(s) and/or the Visitor’s portrait is recorded therein, the Visitor hereby gives explicit permission for the exploitation and/or publication thereof without being able to claim any compensation.

CLIMA 2025 reserves the right to make changes to the programme and the content of the Congress or related meetings as well as to adjust the speaker team and/or entertainment.

In the event of a speaker, entertainer or programme component failing, no (partial) refund of the invoice amount will be made. The participant can also not claim damage, lost income or other costs incurred. CLIMA 2025 will endeavour to schedule a replacement speaker, entertainer or replacement part of the programme.

All intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyright), concerning all (already existing and still to be developed) Congress and meeting documents, rest exclusively with AiCARR. AiCARR has the exclusive right to publish and reproduce these works.

Article 8 Liability and indemnity

8.1 Attending the Event and/or entering the Location is expressly at the Visitor’s own risk, on the understanding that CLIMA 2022 is not liable for physical injury and damage to goods, such as but not limited to clothing, whether or not inflicted, by other visitors.

8.2 CLIMA 2025 is only liable for damage suffered by the Visitor as a result of a shortcoming attributable to CLIMA 2025 in the fulfilment of the Agreement.

8.3 The total liability of CLIMA 2025 due to attributable shortcoming in the fulfilment of the Agreement is limited to compensation for direct damage, on the understanding that this liability is at all times limited to the amount that will be paid out under AiCARR’s legal liability insurance.

8.4 Liability of CLIMA 2025 for indirect damage, including consequential damage, lost profit, lost savings, and damage due to business interruption, is excluded.

8.5 A condition for any right to compensation to arise is always that the Client reports the damage to CLIMA 2025 in writing within 48 hours of its occurrence.

8.6 If CLIMA 2025 directly or indirectly engages subordinates of CLIMA 2025, non-subordinates, auxiliary persons, and/or other persons in the implementation of the Agreement, any liability of CLIMA 2025 are excluded and CLIMA 2025 is not liable for damage caused by these persons, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of managers of CLIMA 2025.

8.7 CLIMA 2025 will strive for the Event to be performed according to the announced time schedule as much as possible. CLIMA 2025 is not liable for deviations therein and for the damage that may ensue for the Visitor.

8.8 The Visitor is deemed to be familiar with the Event programme. CLIMA 2025 does not accept any liability with regards to the manner of execution by the speakers and the length of the presentations during the event.

8.9 In the event that the Visitor buys the admission ticket from a third party – not being CLIMA 2025 – and this third party does not deliver the tickets to the Visitor for whatever reason, CLIMA 2025 is in no way liable, nor for reimbursement of already paid by the Visitor, Visitor paid for tickets, nor for the provision of a replacement admission ticket.

8.10 The Visitor will indemnify CLIMA 2025 against all claims from third parties with regards to damage for which the Visitor is liable to those third parties by law. The Visitor will compensate CLIMA 2025 for any damage, including all legal costs incurred by CLIMA 2025, which may be the result of any claim from those third parties.

CLIMA 2025 excludes any liability for inaccuracies in the material, presentations and/or reference work offered.

Article 9 Force majeure

9.1 In case of force majeure, CLIMA 2025 will have the right to reschedule or cancel the Event.

9.2 Force majeure is understood to mean: any circumstance beyond the control of CLIMA 2025, as a result of which the fulfilment of obligations of CLIMA 2025 towards the Visitor is wholly or partly prevented or as a result of which fulfilment of obligations cannot reasonably be expected of CLIMA 2025, such as but not limited to: non-attributable shortcoming of CLIMA 2025 or of persons used by CLIMA 2025 in the performance of the Agreement, such as auxiliary persons and contractors of CLIMA 2025, strike, work exclusion, illness, import, export and/or transit ban, transport problem, machine breakdown, traffic disruptions, energy disruptions, delivery problems, changed regulations, government measures, terrorism (- threat), non-fulfilment of the obligations by suppliers of CLIMA 2025, disruptions in production, extreme weather conditions , natural disasters, pandemics, war and/or threat of war, disruptions in the regular supply of goods to be delivered by Suppliers or third parties, as well as water and energy supplies and/or other reasons that prevent the Event from going ahead in a responsible manner.

9.3 If CLIMA 2025 cancels or moves the Event in case of force majeure, CLIMA 2025 is obliged to reimburse the Visitor the admission price stated on the Admission Ticket, regardless of the price that the Visitor has paid for the Admission Ticket. This right to a refund of the Visitor exists for four weeks from the date on which the cancelled Event would take place at AiCARR after presentation of a valid, undamaged Admission Ticket.

9.4 If CLIMA 2025 moves the Event to another date in case of force majeure, the Admission Ticket is valid for that new date. If the Visitor is unable to attend on the new date, the Visitor has the right to request a refund of the entrance fee. In that case, CLIMA 2025 is obliged to refund the entrance price to the Visitor that is stated on the Admission Ticket, regardless of the price that the Visitor has paid for the Admission Ticket. This right to a refund of the Visitor exists for four weeks from the date on which the cancelled Event would take place at AiCARR after presentation of a valid, undamaged Admission Ticket.

Article 10 Penalty clause

In the event of a breach of any obligation of the Visitor pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, the Visitor will be charged a voluntary fine of € 5,000.00 in one lump sum and € 1,000.00 per (re) sold Admission Ticket for each violation, without any notice of default being required due to CLIMA 2025, without prejudice to any other right accruing to CLIMA 2025, such as the right to compensation.

Article 11 Personal data

If CLIMA 2025 processes personal data of Visitors, CLIMA 2025 will do this in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and/or in accordance with the Privacy statement. If the applicant is different from the participant, the applicant guarantees that the participant whose personal data is provided has been informed about the processing of his/her data by CLIMA 2025 and that the applicant has the consent of the participant to transfer his/her personal data to CLIMA 2025.

Article 12 Invalidity

The nullity of any provision of the Agreement does not affect the validity of the other provisions of the Agreement. In the event of invalidity of any provision, the parties will conclude a further agreement in connection with the subject of the relevant provision that approximates the parties’ intention as much as possible.

Article 13 Applicable law and competent court

The Agreement is exclusively governed by Italian law and all disputes arising from and/or related to the Agreement will be submitted to the competent court in place, to the exclusion of any other forum. In cases not provided for by these conditions, CLIMA 2025 will make reasonable arrangements.

Article 14 Complaints procedure

Complaints can be submitted in writing or by e-mail to: AiCARR attn: CLIMA 2025 Via Melchiorre Gioia 168 – 20125 Milano – Italia e-mail:
The receipt of the complaint will be confirmed in writing to the submitter within 7 working days. The handling of the complaint is the responsibility of the management of AiCARR and will be treated confidentially. The submitter will receive a written response within 2 weeks.

Additional conditions in the event of relocation or cancellation

CLIMA 2025 reserves the right to move or cancel the event (that will take place from 4th until 6th of June 2025) as a result of a force majeure. The choice made by the Visitor is binding and applies to all tickets in any order. The Visitor’s choice replaces or changes the existing agreement between CLIMA 2025 and the Visitor.

Article 1: if visitor chooses to continue

If an event is cancelled as a result of a force majeure, the Visitor can choose to transfer the ticket to the new date.

The existing agreement between CLIMA 2025 and the Visitor regarding the original order will automatically be carried forward to the replacement event day of the relevant event day (s) in 2025 to the date to be determined if applicable. The visitor does not need to undertake any act for this or indicate a choice.

An overview of replacement dates will be published here and sent to ticket owners by e-mail in the event of relocation.
If the Visitor does not request a refund within 4 weeks of the original date, he/she agrees that his/her right to a refund of the original ticket price and service charges will lapse.

Article 2: if visitor chooses a refund

If an event has been moved or cancelled as a result of a force majeure, the Visitor can notify CLIMA 2025 that he/she cannot use the ticket on the replacement dates and the Visitor can choose a refund 4 weeks from the original date. For this, the Visitor receives a personal e-mail with a link to the application page where one can request this refund. You can only request a refund via this route.

The existing agreement between CLIMA 2025 and the Visitor regarding the original order is thereby dissolved. The Visitor agrees that his/her original order will be cancelled and that his/her right of access to the relevant Event will lapse. On the other hand, the Visitor is entitled to a refund of the original ticket price in cash by CLIMA 2025.

Version 1: 21st June 2024

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