Privacy policy

We like to be transparent about how we handle your data. We are GDPR compliant. In this Privacy Statement you can read how we handle information, such as your personal data, which we collect through our websites (CLIMA2025 website) and onsite data. In this privacy statement we describe the collection, use and disclosure of this information. Where stated CLIMA please also read AiCARR as AiCARR hosts CLIMA 2025 and therefore operates this event website.

Data collection

You provide us with information by using the CLIMA website or when you fill in a contact form on this website. The data is stored in a secure environment and you retain all rights to it. We collect data for the registration process that you go through to buy a ticket, purchase a service or submit an abstract. In addition, we need your data to give you access to our abstract submission environment (such as a username), but also to be able to answer questions through the (contact) form. We will send newsletters if you have registered for this (every newsletter also includes an unsubscribe option) and we find it useful (and in some cases necessary) to send you service messages. For example, programme updates and we also would like to invite you to participate in our instructive workshops during CLIMA, send you a customer satisfaction survey or in case of an acceptation of your paper, abstract or poster submission we draw your attention to the necessary purchase of a ticket conform the abstract terms.

The personal information you provide us when using the event website or participating in any activities includes information that personally identifies you, or that may, directly or indirectly, personally identify you, including your name, telephone number, postal address, workplace, professional interest, and e-mail address. We process this information to be able to provide you with the service you have requested. You can always choose not to provide us with any personal information. But if you do so we may not be able to provide our services to you, respond to questions or let you participate in certain activities.

When you visit pages on our website, we also collect certain technical information:

  • IP address
  • Geo location
  • Browser data

If you provide us with information about others, or others provide information about you, we will only use that information for the specific purpose for which it was provided.

When you visit our website, we can analyse your page visits. We use your IP address for this. Furthermore, we only use non-anonymous data that you have entered yourself, for example, a pre-subscription on the website. We do this because we want to send you the correct message. We believe that through these analyses we can best help with challenges and questions that have led you to our website. If, despite our good intentions, you prefer not to have us perform these analyses, please delete your existing cookies and do not accept the cookies for analysis purposes on our website. For non-anonymous data please contact us to exercise the right to be forgotten.

Sharing information

The information we collect is not shared or sold to other organisations outside AiCARR, CLIMA organisation and scientific committee, and REHVA. Unless you have given permission for us to share your data with others.

In exceptional cases, we will share your information, but only in the following situations:

  • When the law requires us to do so. For example, when we have to comply with a subpoena or other court / legal process
  • If we think it is necessary to protect our rights (for example, in the event of fraud) or if your safety or that of others is at risk
  • When the government requires us to share information regarding national security and law enforcement

Data protection

We take appropriate measures to protect your (personal) data. For example, the website uses a reliable SSL Certificate to ensure that your personal data does not fall into the wrong hands. We have also taken various technical and organisational measures to guarantee security.

The measures we take include:

  • Up-to-date virus scans and firewalls
  • Encrypted laptops, no use of USB sticks or external hard drives
  • Unique access codes and passwords
  • ICT code of conduct

View, modify or delete your data

Any person involved can ask CLIMA to inspect their own personal data. This means that you can ask us whether we have recorded your personal data and, if so, which ones. You do not have to state a reason for a request for access (we may ask for it). The right of access only concerns access to your own data. You are therefore not entitled to information about others. We will answer your request free of charge and within 28 days. You can exercise the following rights when it comes to your personal data. The right to access, the right to change, the right to be forgotten, the right to transfer data, and the right to information. You can submit a request to view, amend or delete your data via

Of course, we are happy to help you if you have complaints about the processing of your personal data. If we really cannot resolve this together, you also have the right under privacy legislation to file a complaint with the privacy regulator, the Italian Data Protection Authority. Italian law is applicable at all times.

You are responsible for the consequences of the removal of your personal data. Consider, for example, no longer being aware of new developments and updates regarding CLIMA, being unable to answer your questions and / or being unable to request your (lost) paid ticket. Please also note that we may not be able to (fully) comply with your request, for example due to legal provisions.

Unreasonable Refusal of Requests

When you submit a request to change or delete your data, we ask you to identify yourself. We may refuse to comply with your request if it is unreasonably repetitive, systematic, requires disproportionate technical effort, or jeopardises the privacy of others.

Referrals, sponsors, partners and speakers

We place referrals, logos, photos, and names on our website. The personal information contained therein is posted with the consent of those individuals.

Retention period of personal data

We hold your personal information in our systems for the duration of the event and one year after CLIMA 2025, except for information necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes or to enforce our agreements. People who have not been on our website for 365 days and have not opened a single message will automatically no longer receive any more mail.

We will delete your registration and other data at AiCARR 365 days after CLIMA 2025 has ended. Unless you have registered to an updated service or newsletter. Before deletion, we may provide your data to REHVA or the future CLIMA host for marketing purposes.

The legal basis for processing your personal data for this purpose is your “consent”. By providing your data to CLIMA you expressly agree that your personal data will be processed. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time so that your personal data is deleted from our database. The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before the withdrawal.

Websites of third parties

Every now and then you will find a link to another website on our website. This privacy statement does not apply to these websites. We have no influence on these websites handling your data securely. We therefore recommend that you always read the privacy statement of these websites.

Photo and video

During our activities we will make photo and video recordings on which you are recognisable in the frame. We can use these photos and video recordings for updates, reports, press releases, and in (social / online / print) media. This is “journalistic freedom”. Without your permission, we will never use these photos or video recordings for promotional purposes for future CLIMA activities. Don’t want to be in the photo or video? Talk to the photographer / camera man on the spot or walk out of the frame. In case of an online meeting / event please turn off your camera as you wish. Has a photo of you been taken or published for promotional purposes without permission, or do you suspect that this is the case? Please contact Please note, we are only responsible for photo and video recordings in our own (CLIMA / REHVA / AiCARR) print media, newsletters, websites, and social media channels.

Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process

CLIMA and/or its organising partners do not intend to collect personal data from persons <16 years of age, unless they have permission from their parent(s) or guardian(s). CLIMA cannot check whether a website visitor is older than 16 years. CLIMA advises parent(s) or guardian(s) to be involved in the online activities of their children, in order to prevent data about children being collected without parental consent. If you think that we have accidentally collected personal information from a minor without parental consent, please contact us via and we will delete this information.

We do not process sensitive personal data such as a person’s race, religion, sexual preference, political opinion, health, trade union membership, criminal behaviour, genetic, and biometric data. But someone could deduce one of these sensitive data from some provided data, such as dietary requirements, wheelchair accessibility or a dyslexia statement (such as religion and health). That is why we only process this data reactively (at your request) and for the time that is strictly necessary to achieve the desired goal. We do this on the basis of your consent and/or vital interest. We then delete this data. You may therefore have to apply more often. Unless strictly necessary, we only provide this data to third parties anonymously.

Changes to this privacy statement

This privacy statement can be changed in the meantime, whereby the most recent version of the privacy statement can always be found on our website. We advise you to consult our privacy statement regularly, so that you are always aware of the latest changes.


If you have the impression that your data is not properly secured or there are indications of misuse, or if you would like more information about the security of personal data collected by CLIMA, please contact us at

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