HVAC World Student Competition

The HVAC World Student Competition

Every three years, during the CLIMA World Congress

In 2013, REHVA launched the HVAC World Student Competition, formerly known as the REHVA World Student Competition, in collaboration with its four MoU partners: ISHRAE from India, ABRAVA from Brazil, ASHRAE from North America, CCHVAC from China, and SAREK from Korea. This initiative aimed to broaden the competition’s scope and enhance global participation.

The competition is held every three years during the CLIMA World Congress, featuring one candidate from each partner continent or region. Each MoU partner association is responsible for selecting their candidate. The winner of the REHVA Student Competition represents Europe in the HVAC World Student Competition.

More details about previous editions and the Book of Papers containing all papers from past editions of the REHVA Student Competitions & HVAC World Student Competitions are available on the REHVA Student Competition page.

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